
Can't mount external hdd in ubuntu

Happens in ubuntu 18. Previous disk used with windows or Mac. The disk can be mounted but can't write nor modify anything. chmod, or chown doesn't work. Solution: Umount the drive. use  sudo fdisk -l  to see the name of the device, e.g. /dev/sdc or /dev/sdc1 Validate looking at the size of the disc. create a folder in your home directory, e.g. /home/userx/mount_tmp/ sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdc mount_tmp/

Ubuntu useful commands and shortcuts

Ubuntu 18: Ctrl+Alt+d : Hide everything/show desktop Super+d : Show it back See motherboard information: sudo dmidecode

See magnetic resonance imaging / dicom images in Ubuntu

When you have taken a magnetic resonance imaging exam you can receive a CD/DVD of the images of your exam. Some of them might be in the dicom format. If you find any folder in your CD with the name dicom, then that is going to be the format. In that CD you might not find any .dcm files (Extension for dicom files) but just files wihtout extension. Nevertheless, since you probably have received multiple images, you will find a lots of files in a given folder, all without an extension or with the .dcm format. If you want to see those images, you can install dicomscope. sudo apt install dicomscope                                               Then just run dicomscope, and a user interface will appear, then use the open option to find your files. On the other hand, if you want to convert that format to a visible one for any application use: mogrify -format png *.dc...

Ubuntu - Linux - see the processes running for a given session

List the users connected to the system with: who                                                               Use the following command to see the processes running by the pts/2 ps -ft pts/2                                                    

Edit videos from ubuntu comand line

To split a video in parts use the following syntax: ffmpeg -i original_video.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:03:38  -vcodec copy -acodec copy part1.mp4 ffmpeg -i original_video.mp4 -ss 00:05:20 -t 00:00:15  -vcodec copy -acodec copy part2.mp4 The previous commands will extract into part1 and part2 two videos of 3:38 and 0:15 long. Taken at the starting points 00:00 and 05:20. This process done from a video file called original_video.mp4. If you want to merge these two parts together. Write into a file the following lines: file part1.mp4 file part2.mp4 So if you execute cat ifile.txt you will see the previous two lines. Next. Run the merge of them with: ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ifile.txt -c copy part1_and_part2.mp4 Later, you can edit the audio with audacity and reduce noise. Export the audio file as only_audio.mp3. To merge the processed audio with the video do as follows: MP4Box part1_and_part2.mp4 -single 1 -out video_only.mp4 MP4Box video_only.mp4 -add only_au...